Calling overseas is almost “free”

Hi everyone,

Today i like to blog about my business,
about calling overseas to fixed line and mobile.

Telephone office! do you still go there?
Yes, some people still do, but i dont believe these telephone office will stay for long. You have skype free calling, you have viber free calling and you also have;the “adapter”.
The adapter is a small device you plug into your broadband router or modem, connect a handset and you can start calling, friends, family, acquaintances and more….

But quest what, you have 19 hour of talk time, that is 1140 min if i am right and the billing is per second. I like it so far do you?
Just combine the large bundle and the small bundle and you can call to;
Belgium-Canada-China-Denmark-France-Greece-Guam-Hongkong-India-Italy-Malaysia-Poland-Portugal-Puerto Rico-Romania-Singapore-South Korea-Spain-Sweden-Thailand-United Kingdom-United States-Us virgin island. all is from the big bundle.

Small; Brazil-Columbia-Dominican Republic-Germany-Hungary-Indonesia-Netherlands-Antilles-Norway-Pakistan-South Africa-Switzerland-Turkey.

It ain’t over yet!

Make calls to other digital phone service devices and in 99 procent of the countries i named, the call is free(no charge)
So its a great way to get on the phone and dont worry about paying high bills for phone calls.


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